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The collection laws of the several states, and the District of Columbia : comprising, in a condensed form, the laws relating to imprisonment for debt, … and business men generally, and a book of r

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This book was originally published prior to 1923, and represents a reproduction of an important historical work, maintaining the same format as the original work. While some publishers have opted to apply OCR (optical character recognition) technology to the process, we believe this leads to sub-optimal results (frequent typographical errors, strange characters and confusing formatting) and does not adequately preserve the historica

The collection laws of the several states, and the District of Columbia : comprising, in a condensed form, the laws relating to imprisonment for debt, … and business men generally, and a book of r

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debt business question by Obama’s Gravy Train: Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling – So basically Obama wants to increase the debt to reduce the debt?
Isn’t this similar to “Spending our Way to Prosperity”?
Not raising the debt ceiling would be tantamount to living within the governments means!

debt business best answer:

Answer by Maxwell
That has been his plan since his first day in office.

He keeps digging down into the hole hoping to find a path back to the surface…..but holes simply don’t work that way.

13 Responses to “Latest Debt Business News”

  1. Kaboose says:

    It a pathetic joke isn’t it, never do they mention all the billions spent on useless wars or anything like that.

  2. josh says:

    Thats a very simple minded way of looking at it.

  3. Why Me??? says:

    Basically spending his way out of debt..IT DOES NOT WORK…but then again most libs dont either

  4. brown9500v13 says:

    You obviously have no grasp of the problem.

    What you are suggesting is to NOT raise it… which is tantamount to “going out of business”.

    It will be raised.

    The Teabaggers are only showing how out of touch with the REAL workings of government they truly are.

  5. deekayowe says:

    Obama wants to do more of what he’s already done that isn’t working. He knows it will make things worse. His goal is to collapse our economy so the progressives can rebuild it the way they want it. They have to do it on the sly, because they know the majority of the American people won’t go for what they really are doing. So they do their best to pull the wool over our eyes, and move forward with their agenda. People think this sounds crazy. And it does. But that is what is going on. They are heading us toward a one-world government.

  6. B X says:

    you have to understand, we can spend out way out of it.

    people need to lern from the president and max out there credit cards, get as many loans as possible and borrow as much as you can from people, then spend it all so things will get better for you. now if the country does that, things will get better

  7. KH says:

    No he wants to borrow money so the country doesn’t default.

    “Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and on the value of the dollar in exchange markets. The Nation can ill afford to allow such a result. The risks, the costs, the disruptions, and the incalculable damage lead me to but one conclusion: the Senate must pass this legislation before the Congress adjourns.”

    That was written by Ronald Reagan looking for support in raising the debt ceiling.

    Where was all the posturing during the Bush administration where Republicans happily voted to raise the debt ceiling 7 times?????

  8. Bob Rat says:

    Let the tax cuts expire now – then they can concentrate on lowering spending, like Obama and Biden have already suggested 1 trillion in spending reductions.

  9. Greye Wolfe says:

    Raising the debt ceiling will allow the government to pay its current bills. You would not tell someone who is in debt to resolve it by not paying their current bills. That is the current situation with the debt limit, we need to raise it or go into default. And the government going into default would destroy the economy.

  10. DW says:

    The answer to this problem is to reduce the deficit. Raising the debt ceiling just makes sure we don’t hit disaster along the way. People who pretend we can fix the deficit by not raising the debt ceiling are just posturing – they’ve found a way to be against deficits without being for spending cuts or tax increases.

    If the government reaches the debt limit while it has a deficit, it defaults on its debts and chaos follows. Currencies crash, financial markets collapse, corporations go bankrupt, nest eggs disappear.

    Edit: Balancing the budget would be the government living within its means. Not raising the debt ceiling would be the government deciding it doesn’t care whether it pays its bills. You can’t fix a debt problem by declaring you no longer have a problem.

  11. Jonathan A says:

    The Debt Ceiling is raised quite often (8 times under W and already twice under Obama) and merely insures that we can pay our existing debt without defaulting.
    Take some time off from Fox News and research some of your concerns instead of introducing opinion as fact.

  12. ahandle101 says:

    Well, at least that’s how Geithner seems to explain it. That we have to borrow money to pay the interest on the money we borrowed. Doesn’t sound like a good financial plan, does it?

  13. Paul S says:

    1. The Bush Administration came into office with a budget surplus.

    2. During the Bush administration $ 4 trillon was addeded to the national debt.

    3. The debt limit was raised at least 7 times during the Bush Adminstration

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