Latest National Debt Relief News

National Debt Relief

Plan of finance for the reduction of the national debt and relief of prevailing distress, in a letter to the Duke of Wellington : with an appendix addressed to the British public

national debt relief – click on the image below for more information.

national debt relief

Plan of finance for the reduction of the national debt and relief of prevailing distress, in a letter to the Duke of Wellington : with an appendix addressed to the British public

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The National Debt Relief Amendment

The National Debt Relief Amendment proposed by RestoringFreedom.Org in Arizona.
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national debt relief question by designergirl: has anyone ever been through debt management?
I need some advice, me and my partner have got into some financial trouble and im thinking about debt management. Can anyone who has been through it tell me the good and bad points of it??
Also while were are struggling with debt at the min we are both recent graduates and should be in a much better financial situation in 6 months or so, and im worried if i enter into debt management i will be paying it off for years rather than working hard and getting it paid.
advice??? thanks

national debt relief best answer:

Answer by loki
Do it.

They will take your bills and get a lower interest rate. You pay them once a month and they will pay off your bills.

If you have more money, send that in and they will pay it faster.

Do not miss a payment.

I was over 100k in debt…and in five years I will have paid it all off (three years left)

2 Responses to “Latest National Debt Relief News”

  1. Watch IT! says:

    Just handle the matter yourself. Most of these outfits are scams ad they simply compound your issues. Get on a written budget and stay on it for the rest of time.

  2. JB says:

    If you are having trouble paying your bills debt management may be an option for you. A previous answer mentioned scams, and they are right because there are a lot of non-legitimate company’s our there posing as “Debt Relief” or “Debt Reduction”. Debt management is completely different as they work with you to establish new payment arrangements and then help you to budget and make those payments each month.

    I would try looking for a National Foundation for Credit Counseling certified agency to meet with. This way you can be sure you are dealing with a trusted source of information. Check out for more info.

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