101 Money-Saving Tips to Help Reduce Debt and Build Wealth

Debt Tips

Quick Debt Tips – Ignoring the debt problem

http://moneyplanonline.com Quick Debt Tips – Ignoring the debt problem. We’ve seen many people over the years that have ignored their debt for months to even…
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debt tips question by What?: What is a good credit limit?
Your credit report says your low credit limit (on a secured card) is bringing down your credit score. Is there a general amount that is considered good? Could you just increase the amount on your card to get a credit boost?
It’s a secured card and you can increase the limit anytime by sending a cashier’s check to the bank. The question is: will a higher limit improve your score?

debt tips best answer:

Answer by Kelly
Depending on what the terms and conditions are for your credit card, generally you can get an increase in your credit limit after you’ve had the card for a while and you’ve been shown to be a reliable and consist cardholder (as in, you pay at least the minimum on your card every month).

This link has pretty good information about this: http://www.ehow.com/how_2076675_increase-credit-card-limit.html

101 Money-Saving Tips to Help Reduce Debt and Build Wealth

debt tips – click on the image below for more information.

debt tips

101 Money Saving Tips to Help Reduce Debt and Build Wealth was created to help the 95% of the population that is retiring broke find more money to use to get out of debt before it’s too late. Approximately only 5% of the world’s population can retire financially secure. I created this book to help individuals apply simple techniques to find money that may be leaking out of their lives without them knowing it. It only takes a mind-shift and dedication to a simple plan to get out of debt as quickl

101 Money-Saving Tips to Help Reduce Debt and Build Wealth

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