Latest Consolidate News


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  • Temporary symptomatic relief of the symptoms
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  • Bed Wetting


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Sodium Chloride 1 Gm 100 Tablets

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Learn Media Composer Lesson 82: Consolidate/Transcode In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers a common question, and that is "What…
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consolidate question by an1: What exactly is “consolidating” your bills??
I know this is sort of a dumb question, and I know what it means, they put all of your bills together for one monthly payment, but does it really help? or do they end up screwing you over in the end..? I have 3 credit cards way over due and I thought about doing this since my credit is shot. I’d appreciate the help, thanks!

consolidate best answer:

Answer by todieisgain_121
It depends who consolodates them. Most companies charge an incredible amount of interest. If a bank could give you a loan (under your described circumstances it may not be possible) the interest would be much less. Shop around, if you can find a few that are willing to lend you the money, choose the one with the cheapest interest. Even if it’s just a few percent less than the credit cards, it’s still saving you money.

13 Responses to “Latest Consolidate News”

  1. surfinthedesert says:

    Companies that offer deals to consolidate your debt make money by paying off your current credit cards (or debt), and then assuming the loan themselves, charging their own interest rate, often lower than you were paying previously. Does it help the consumer? Well, if you secure a lower interest rate it will help you financially. Also, if you have 9, 10, 20 bills you have to pay every month, consolidating them will make it much easier and more convenient to pay them as one big bill. Third, it will help to improve your credit rating, by eliminating multiple credit cards for one installment loan.

  2. AliCat says:

    It depends on whether or not it’s a legitamate company. Your safest bet is to go thru a bank. Get a small personal/debt consolidation loan with a low interest rate, and you can have them paid off within a few years.

  3. Casçoìs says:

    yes do it. because it kinda lowers the interest…how i’m not exactly sure, but it does. because instead of paying interest on three separate accounts, you’ll only be paying interest on the whole big consolodated bit. it does help…


  4. Lee F says:

    It is not a dumb question. Lots of people consolidate their bills. Yes — it means lumping all of your other bills onto one new, single bill. Often people will do this when a new credit card offer is for 0 % finance charge for a set number of months, so the temptation to consolidate is there. You have to remember — the debt(s) do not go away just because they now will appear as one balance to be paid to another credit card company. You still obviously need the income and cash flow to be able to make at least the minimum monthly payment on the new account. Also – many credit cards charge a one-time fee for a Balance Transfer.’ Each credit card company may charge a different fee, so – read the fine print before taking out a new credit card account. Remember – the debt must still be paid, no matter which company is the one that ends up wih the balance. Make sure that the fees do not outweigh the benefit(s) of consolidating.

  5. Heinz M says:

    The idea is to try to get a loan to cover all you separate loans, and that only works if you can get one at an interest rate lower than any of the loans you are trying to pay off.
    Any outfit that wants to help you with that, but wants to charge you a fee, run the other way. There are some outfits that claim they do the service for free. They get their money from the lenders for straightening things out.

  6. Mephistopheles says:

    You take out a loan which pays off all your bills and then owe one company one sum. Your bills are consolidated. Get help from a reputable credit company and not some loan shark.

  7. says:

    if its done right, you can have it done and pay off your debts faster with smaller payments. many credit companies will agree to lesser payments, lower or no interest rates and cut the amount owed in half. if you negotiate with the card companies, you can pay them off with the agreement that either its paid off or to a certain amount and the cards will remain active at that point.

  8. ted_armentrout says:

    The ads are everywhere: Consolidate your debt! Repair your credit! No trouble at all!
    Consumer debt tops $ 1.7 trillion in the United States, and the promise of a fast fix is enticing, especially for the one-third of American adults struggling with impaired credit.

    Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a quick fix, consumer advocates said.

    “There is no magic bullet,” said Paul Egide, director of the Wisconsin Consumer Act Section of the Department of Financial Institutions.

    If your credit report says you have poor credit and the information is accurate, nothing can get that information taken off, he said.

    The first step in fixing your credit is to obtain a copy of your credit report to see what the problem is, said Bill Wilcox, president of CBM Credit Education Foundation Inc., a Madison-based group that promotes financial literacy.

    “If you have a bankruptcy in your history, were late in paying bills years ago or had something that went into collection years ago, the only way you can really improve that credit history is by time and correcting the error of your ways,” he said. “Do everything the way you are supposed to and time will take care of it.”

    That means paying bills on time and not creating more debt, Wilcox said.

    You might be considered a bad credit risk if you have several credit cards, they all are close to their limits and you only have so much income, he said.

    “Again, time is going to correct it,” Wilcox said. “Work to pay it down and don’t take on any more debt. You control it. The consumer controls it in this case.”

    Egide said he believes there are few cases in which a third party should be hired to help fix bad credit.

    “It’s generally a bad idea to hire somebody to fix your credit,” he said. “It’s just adding another bill to your stack. If something on your credit report is not accurate, you can do that yourself for free.”

    If you contact the credit bureau, it is required by federal law to investigate and take information off if it is wrong, Egide said.

    Credit counseling agencies or debt adjusters offer to negotiate with creditors and combine the various debts into a single monthly bill determined by the client’s ability to pay. They also offer face-to-face counseling and education.

    Wilcox said becoming informed is one reason some people may benefit from using a third party.

    “Education is very important,” he said. “People in most cases don’t know how to handle money. They don’t go out with the idea of racking up debt.”

    Some companies are “a real rip-off,” so those seeking help should ask if the organization is a member of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Wilcox said.

    Wisconsin licenses debt counseling companies, or adjustment service companies. People can check to see if a company is licensed at

    Sometimes consolidating debt makes sense. In some cases, homeowners can use the equity in their home, obtain a second mortgage at low interest, then use the money to pay off high-interest credit cards, Egide said.

    A drawback is, if you miss house payments, you risk losing your home. Credit card companies are not going to come around and ask you to return the meal, tank of gas or sofa you charged, he said.

    “If you need credit repair, it generally means you haven’t been able to pay your debts,” Egide said. “Something has gone wrong. Sometimes it’s beyond your control – like unexpected medical bills. But a lot of cases are probably when people overspent and did not have the will power to live within their means.

    “They have to come to grips and face the problem. They have to get spending habits under control.”

    Information and tips on fixing credit:
    Factors in poor credit include late payments, amounts owed, number of credit lines, past payment history, collections and bankruptcies.
    If you are denied credit or insurance, you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report from the reporting credit bureau that was used.
    You are also entitled to a free copy of your report if you are on welfare, unemployed or a victim of identity theft.
    If you find errors in your credit report, tell the credit bureau. It is required by law to investigate and respond within 30 days.
    If the information is incorrect or cannot be verified, the credit bureau must remove, complete or update the information. It must send a notice of the correction to any creditor that has checked your file in the past six months – if you request it to do so.
    If the information is reported as correct, it will not be removed from your credit report. But, the Fair Credit Reporting Act permits you to file a 100-word statement explaining your side of the story and the reporting bureau must include your statement with your credit information each time it is sent out.
    Most consumer groups suggest you get a copy of your credit report from all three credit bureaus once a year to make sure there are not errors.
    To improve your credit over time, pay your bills – at least the minimum balance due – on time every month. Keep credit balances low, especially on revolving debt like credit cards.
    Apply for new credit accounts sparingly.
    Keep at it. If you show good credit behavior over time, your credit score may improve.

  9. C L says:

    Consolidating your bills is to: (for example) You have four different credit card bills, a couple student loans and an auto loan – if you were to consolidate you would take out one big loan, pay everything off and only have one bill to pay.

    Check the current rate you are paying on your overdue credit cards, if you can get a lower interest rate it would be worth it. Also, if you are missing payments, taking out one loan with lower monthly payments over a longer period of time would be better because it won’t ruin your credit. Missing payments will hurt your credit and sometimes it takes time to rebuild.

    You may want to through out your credit cards too!!
    Good luck!!

  10. vnc620 says:

    The majority, if not all, of these companies offering debt consolidation are running game. They charge outrageous fees, penalties and whatever other word you can think of for more money. They are unfairly targeting consumers who they categorize as poor decision makers. You are better off to find out the rules of dealing with your creditors, without paying any third parties.

  11. catcat20006 says:

    consolidating ur bills works better when your credit is still in good standing, esp when u have good equity in ur home….putting all ur bills in one big one , is more convenient.

  12. eGuy says:

    this is a good place to start good luck
    Clear Credit Card Debt
    Financial Services

  13. I love the flipflops says:

    It would be best if you could get a low interest loan from a bank or credit union. You never know, your credit may not be as bad as you think.

    It will be in your best interest just to get them off of your back but you don’t need to get a loan if you cannot make those payments. If you interest is high you may wind up paying more instead of less.

    Fill out an application and see what your payments may be. You interest should be determined based on your credit score.

    Good Luck

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