Debt Management With Christian Debt Consolidation Services

Christian Debt Consolidation

Debt Management With Christian Debt Consolidation Services
christian debt consolidation

Generally, Christians feel uncomfortable if they are in huge debts and also while choosing debt consolidation loans. That’s why Christian debt consolidation services have sprung up and they offer Christians excellent solutions to get rid of their worries associated with several debts. Many debt consolidation companies specially offer Christian debt consolidation services for Christian clients. This is the latest service that promises debt-related solutions suitable for Christian clients.

Christian debt consolidation loans are exclusively designed by keeping Christians’ concerns towards credits and debts. You will be assigned with a credit counselor who analyses your debt and credit records. After reviewing your financial details, the credit counselor will suggest you options for debt consolidation loan that will help you to combine all your debts in a correct manner. The Christian debt consolidation companies also assist the borrower in establishing a repayment schedule. In addition to this, the counselor provides spiritual counseling that will help you to understand the method of avoiding the chance of debts in the future.

A Christian debt consolidation company offers this service, as it is aware that the people will earnestly try to repay the debt in good faith and obligations. That’s why it offers favorable terms to Christian clients. By offering this service the Christian debt Consolidation Company can play safe by offering loan to you. In the recent years many debt consolidation companies has jumped into this service and competitively offer debt consolidation loans for Christian clients.


One of the greatest advantages of Christian debt consolidation service is that everything is done in a consistent way in accordance with the teachings of Bible and Christian belief. The credit counselor through spiritual counseling lets them know of how best they can avoid debts. The company provides all the services in an appropriate manner like consolidating debts, negotiations with multiple creditors, negotiation of interest rate, establishment of repayment schedule etc.

Like all other debt consolidation loans, the Christian debt consolidation service includes all types of debts like credit card loan, student loan, bad credit, bill related dues etc. A Christian debt consolidation loan has significant advantage over the others as it offers easier terms to Christian clients. The terms and conditions for all the loans like credit card debt consolidation, bad credit debt consolidation, debt and bill consolidation, student loan debt consolidation etc are offered specially for Christian clients with a lot of importance to their religious belief and concerns.

Another best part is that most of the Christian debt consolidation companies are non-profit organizations and hence their primary motive is helping their fellow Christians to come out of the burden of heavy debts.

The average interest rate of these companies ranges between 6 percent and 8 percent and enables you to complete the repayment over a period of 3 to 6 years. They also allow you to pay one payment in a month on any day of your choice. Christian debt counseling will be based on Bible approach and the counselor looks for reasons behind the debt like any accident, illness, loss of job etc. that made you freeze repayment. For Christian debtors, the Christian debt consolidation service is an excellent way for solving their various debt problems in good faith.

Visit for a complete understanding of several debt consolidation methods. Also, check out to find out which credit card will suit your needs well and how to manage credit card debts in a better way.

christian debt consolidation question by boodakyne: What should I do about my Marriage?
My Wife and I have a short but colorful history:

I am 35, she is 24
I grew up in Florida, she grew up in Vermont

January 2006 – We met in Florida in school
April 2006 – Started dating, (we were both heavy drinkers and partiers, night clubs, beach bars, etc.)
August 2006 – Found out she was pregnant
September 2006 – I tried to take care of my credit card debt or $ 18,000 by calling a “Debt Consolidation” firm
December 2006 – Moved up to Vermont to be close to her family
January 2007 – Found out that my identity had been stolen and my credit cards were maxed out. I now am in $ 85,000 in credit card debt. Plus our school loans. $ 20,000
April 2007 – Our daughter was born

The first year we tried really hard and I worked as a waiter, she stayed home to raise our daughter. We had financial difficulties throughout the year, I obviously wasn’t paying the credit cards or school loans, we barely made rent each month.

January 2008 – My wife found God and became a born-again Christian.

March 2008 – After several attempts to control what had become a growing problem with alcohol I ended up going on a ten day drinking binge. She left to her parents house and I stayed in the apartment and tried to drink myself to death with wine and stayed drunk for ten days. My mother in-law ended up calling the police and they came to the apartment and found my laying on the floor naked and bloody, covered in my own urine and vomit. They took me away. I went to rehab for 21 days.

Since then I haven’t had a drink or touched any substance. (Almost ten months now)

April 2008 – I got out of rehab and we got married on April 15th. Shortly after we joined the local church and we were baptized together.

Over the summer of 2008 I was unemployed, we moved to a new apartment and started a new life. I felt like a new man and she seemed very happy.

August 2008 – Found a great new job with the promise of a life-long career building furniture. I am very happy and working quite a bit (6 days a week)

Since then money is still tight but getting better. My wife continues to stay home with our daughter, now 20 months. However, she is very upset with me about many things. I don;t chip in enough with the housework. I need to devote more of my free time to bible study, prayer, and devotionals. We need to tithe, (donate), more of my pay to the church. I stay up too late sometimes and when I am tired the next day my behavior reminds her of me being drunk. I forget to put my dirty socks in the hamper.

She claims that she has changed and become a Christian and I haven’t and it’s not good. However, since she’s Christian she can’t leave me because she made a promise top God. I want to stay together but I am having a hard time complying to all the rules of Chritianity. She has stopped wanting to kiss and be affectionate now, however, talks about having more kids still? Recently she told me that she actually never liked kissing in the first place. Also, she says she’s way too tired from being a homemaker to have a libido. I feel she gets enough sleep, she gets up at 9 or 10 AM and goes to bed at about 11 PM.

I don’t know what to do. Please, some advice!!
I wanted to add that I don’t think she loves me and feels that she really screwed up by getting with me in the first place. Now she’s poor and has a kid and is stuck with an old man. Also, she really wants a house now and wants me to pay the $ 85,000 off and not claim bankruptcy. I have know idea how I would ever be able to. I make $ 13 an hour before taxes. We’re on food stamps $ 242 a month though, which helps. She left me in October, went to her Mom and Dad’s, but then came back when she got in a fight with her Mom and realized she had no place to go. She just really can’t stand me, but at the same time is still planning a future and more children and stuff.

christian debt consolidation best answer:

Answer by Fey
..I’m so sorry.
Religion is soooo..stupid. Ahhh. I’m glad I’m atheist. She’s being ridiculous. Sometimes a little hope is good but when you start going crazy-Christian, it gets pretty bad.
I don’t know what to do. I feel for you. I’m very sorry about her.

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